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Independent lab analysis of the latest model of Angel Juicer comparing to other

leading brands

Recent research analysis conducted by the Korea Advanced Food Research

Institute evaluating Angel Juicer model 

Angelia 7500 juicer and compared it to

three other juicers who had the highest

juicer sales and advertisement.

The test used the nutritional analysis on 500 mg of juice extracted using four leading juice machine: Juicer A: Angel Juicer Angelia 7500 juicer is the latest of the Angel/ super angel juicer models at the time of the testing: Calcium (82.8 mg/kg), Magnesium (15.0 mg/kg). View Certificate A. Notice a huge difference between our latest of the Angel/ super angel juicer machine compared to the nutrition extracted by our closest competitions as noted bellow. Notice that our competitors' nutritional content in the pulp thrown exceeded that what was extracted when compared to the nutrition extracted by the Angel  juicer model Angelia 7500. Juicer B: Another twin gear juicer on the market: Calcium (11.9 mg/kg), Magnesium (5.5mg/kg). View Certificate B Juicer C: Single gear type juicer on the  market: Calcium (11.5 mg/kg), Magnesium (4.4 mg/kg). View Certificate C Juicer D: Centrifugal type juicer on the  market: Calcium (4.9 mg/kg), Magnesium (2.9mg/kg). View Certificate D
Angel Juicer Company’s Vision is to Manufacture the Best Juicer in the World Let Angelia Juicer’s Juice Be Your Medicine
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© Copyright since 1982 -2016 No company, entity, website or individual is permitted to use any part of this website images, materials, codes, testimonials, product descriptions or reviews for the purpose of gaining from advertisement or marketing for any of our products or using our products’ information or materials to market to other companies or for search engines to place advertisements on another website without a written and legally notarized permission from our company. Violation of our copyright is liable to compensate us for all actual and potential damages, losses, and violations. All Rights Reserved   = XML Sitemap Google Feed
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Independent lab analysis of the latest model of Angel

Juicer comparing to other leading brands

Recent research analysis conducted by the Korea

Advanced Food Research Institute evaluating Angel

Juicer model 

Angelia 7500 juicer

and compared it to

three other juicers

who had the

highest juicer sales

and advertisement.

The test used the nutritional analysis on 500 mg of juice extracted using four leading juice machine: Juicer A: Angel Juicer Angelia 7500 juicer is the latest of the Angel/ super angel juicer models at the time of the testing: Calcium (82.8 mg/kg), Magnesium (15.0 mg/kg). View Certificate A. Notice a huge difference between our latest of the Angel/ super angel juicer machine compared to the nutrition extracted by our closest competitions as noted bellow. Notice that our competitors' nutritional content in the pulp thrown exceeded that what was extracted when compared to the nutrition extracted by the Angel juicer model Angelia 7500. Juicer B: Another twin gear juicer on the market: Calcium (11.9 mg/kg), Magnesium (5.5mg/kg). View Certificate B Juicer C: Single gear type juicer on the  market: Calcium (11.5 mg/kg), Magnesium (4.4 mg/kg). View Certificate C Juicer D: Centrifugal type juicer on the  market: Calcium (4.9 mg/kg), Magnesium (2.9mg/kg). View Certificate D
Angel Juicer Company’s Vision is to Manufacture the Best Juicer in the World Let Angelia Juicer’s Juice Be Your Medicine
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